Monday, December 15, 2008

Day 1

Today Magal turns 8 months old. It is hard for me to believe that soon he will be out of my belly longer than he was in my belly. Having him in my belly was the most amazing experience of my life. He is now able to sit with no support for 20-30 minutes at a time, he is able to hold his own bottle, he eats puffs and cheerios by himself, and he loves to say "Da-Da" I don't get that, didn't I carry him in my body for 39 weeks. The ability to watch him smile everyday is something that I cherish. A close friend of mine told me today that she is pregnant, a part of me was jealous because I miss the "Baby in the belly feeling", but another part of me was so excited because now she will experience all of the joy that I experience. I am starting to hate working, I love my job, but I hate saying goodbye to Magal every morning. He is starting the "Mamitis" syndrome, and if I walk away from him he starts crying hysterically. I love being a mom, it was one of my biggest dreams in life and I am so thankful that it happened. (Mistake or no mistake =)

1 comment:

  1. sophia was an "accident" as well...the best accident ever! i can't wait until she starts sitting up and holding her own bottle.

    btw, they usually say "dada" first because it is easier to ennunciate for them. go figure :/
